We aspire to create rich, authentic and relevant learning opportunities and experiences.

Kia Māia


Kia Manaaki


Kia Ako


We are a thriving, forward-thinking school that is at the heart of the Appleby community. Our semi-rural location offers students the best of country ideals and experiences, and allows easy access to nearby Nelson city.

We are focussed on providing rich, balanced and relevant learning experiences to our tamariki. Our most recent Education Review Office report (2019), highlighted the high quality of teaching in our classrooms and excellent student achievement levels.

At Appleby we believe strong relationships underpin all that we do. Partnerships between students, staff, parents, whanau and the wider community are actively established and developed. All children are known and supported by staff and each other. There is a family feel to the school and it is common to see children of all ages and stages playing and learning together during the school day.

We enjoy incredible support from our local community. Parents and whanau are involved in classroom programmes, supporting students' learning and helping us to offer students a wonderful range of opportunities in leadership, academic, sporting and cultural pursuits. Our School Fair, held each year in September, is widely acknowledged as one of the best. 

At Appleby School we welcome visits from interested families at any time. We would love to meet you and show you what makes our school so special. Why not ring the office and make an appointment?

Nō reira
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.

Justin Neal

Appleby School

School Hours: 9:00am - 3:00pm

Moutere Highway
RD1 Richmond, Nelson

Email: admin@appleby.school.nz
Telephone: (03) 5442898