CURRICULUM - Te Mahere Ako
Marau Matauranga - Curriculum
We teach:
Sometimes subjects are integrated, sometimes they stand alone.
Student need is central to what and how we teach.
We use ‘Understand, Know, Do’ to structure our learning.
Progress outcomes give us a measure of student achievement.
We localise our learning, using local stories and contexts.
Whakarite - Planning and Preperation
We use ‘Understand, Know, Do’ to plan school wide learning.
Teachers use assessment to prepare learning plans in literacy and numeracy.
Teachers prepare learning that suits the interests and learning styles of their learners.
Staff plan whole school themes together each term.
Learning plans showing individual student needs are developed in March and reviewed each term.
Curriculum coverage and balance is important, as is taking opportunities when they come up.
Timetables are established, and can be changed when opportunities happen.
Involve Whānau
Student outcomes are improved when the role of parents and the home is valued.
Whānau are partners in the learning process
Build Relationships
Developing and maintaining positive relationships with students, colleagues, whānau and the wider community is central to developing brilliant learning partnerships.
Staff model positive relationships, supporting one another as learners and teachers
Cause Learning
Learning is central to everything we do.
We are enthusiastic about learning.
We give time and opportunity to learn and to relearn.
We work with learners to know their next steps.
Ngā Akomanga
Children's learning is displayed proudly and kept up to date.
Our spaces are positive places where children feel safe and valued.
Kids are encouraged to take risks and learn from mistakes and successes.
Teachers provide clear routines and directions.
Teachers and students set specific learning goals and success criteria.
Teachers use explicit teaching strategies.
Teachers differentiate learning to meet student needs.
Teachers give timely feedback and feed forward to students.
Mana Taurite
We recognise that everyone has different backgrounds and starting points.
We offer individualised support that addresses and overcomes barriers to learning.
We expect kids to achieve their potential.
Expectations are clearly expressed and reviewed.
We recognise and celebrate positive performance.
M3 Mindfulness
We use Te Whare Tapa Wha as our model
The Future
We encourage responsibility to maintain and enhance the environment.
Our kids learn how to solutions to problems using digital technology.